Jun 13

How Glyphic Delivered “Immediate ROI” to Harbor Compliance

Harbor Compliance offers multi-state compliance solutions to more than 40,000 US-based companies, helping them trade freely throughout the US. 

But while Harbor Compliance prides itself on bringing clarity to clients’ operations, its internal sales processes caused endless confusion. Reps were taking inconsistent notes or leaving key CRM fields completely empty. This made it difficult to build strong customer relationships, and even harder to close deals. Director of Sales & Marketing Brock Klinger knew there must be a better way to operate, so he turned to Glyphic. 

Here’s the story of how Glyphic brought clarity to Harbor Compliance’s sales process. 

Reps not following the sales methodology

A few years back, Harbor Compliance adopted the ‘Winning by Design’ sales methodology. This required reps to fill out notes in their CRM following the SPICED format (situation, pain, impact, critical event, decision) after each call.  Unfortunately, reps didn’t adhere to the process as Harbor Compliance had intended.

“The methodology was great in theory, but the execution was problematic. Oftentimes, reps would fill out a required field with a question mark or a full-stop.”

When reviewing reps’ notes, managers consistently found bogus answers and empty fields. This haphazard reporting prevented management from gaining a full understanding of the sales process—and it made it harder for reps to close deals. Brock knew he needed to take action.

Seamless integration with HubSpot

Harbor Compliance had already tried to solve its note-taking problem, without much success. The team had been using a simplistic AI-assistant tool that helped convert calls to notes. However, they didn’t find the notes it created all that valuable.

“What made Glyphic better was that it integrated directly with HubSpot, and had been designed specifically for a sales team. It could capture notes in a structured way, according to the SPICED framework, and integrate them into the CRM where I can see them.”

Fictionless adoption, unlocking instant results

Having seen that Glyphic intelligently categorized notes from calls, Brock decided to take the plunge. “I was immediately impressed. The implementation process was incredibly straightforward.”

However, he wasn’t sure whether his team would actually use Glyphic. Adoption and adherence is the trickiest part of implementing new processes. Brock knew this all too well after unsuccessfully trying to get reps to fill out notes in the SPICED format. 

“Thankfully, there was zero friction—our reps all loved the software. The dashboard is uncluttered and easy to use. Most importantly, it meant they never again had to worry about manual note-taking.”

Automating note-taking and follow-ups

Glyphic’s Call Processing feature analyzes each call and instantly populates Harbor Compliance’s CRM without requiring any effort from reps. Not only did Glyphic save Harbor Compliance’s sales team time, but it also improved the quality of their notes. “Notes are far more meaningful than they used to be.”

Glyphic also allows Harbor Compliance’s reps to automatically create AI-generated follow-up emails based on what they discussed during every call. This is a massive time-saver. “Previously, reps would have to piece together follow-up emails based on whatever inconsistent notes they took and their memory of what was discussed. Not only was this pretty ineffective, but it was also highly inefficient.”

Now, Glyphic’s AI Copilot automatically summarizes calls and pre-populates follow-up emails with action points, potential issues, and next steps. Reps spend less time drafting emails, while also generating better follow-ups. 

Centralizing all deal data

Glyphic doesn't just help sales reps—its benefits also extend up the organizational hierarchy. For example, sales managers love that Glyphic centralizes all vital data in a single location. This allows them to instantly see how each deal is progressing, and to more easily coach reps who need help converting prospects.

Glyphic allows Harbor Compliance’s managers to zoom in and out as required. They can monitor all conversations that reps have with clients, but also easily locate and listen in on specific interactions that might require extra attention.

Now, everyone is more in the know about what’s going on during client calls. “It gives me a sense of confidence knowing our managers are using accurate data when conducting deal reviews with reps.”

This increased visibility benefits everyone. Sales reps have more access to insights that will help them close deals and smash their quota, while managers can more easily keep track of the big picture and speed up reps’ development.

“Immediate ROI”

What would Head of Sales Brock Klinger say to other companies considering adopting Glyphic?  “There’s value right off the shelf. It delivers immediate ROI.”

Implementing Glyphic gave Harbor Compliance’s reps more time, and their managers more visibility. Reps could automatically create comprehensive notes and draft accurate follow-ups. Managers, meanwhile, were in a better position to oversee their team’s progress and help individual deals get over the line. 

Looking to untangle your sales practices and boost efficiency? Book a demo to learn how Glyphic can help.

10x your sales team with Glyphic

Supercharge your conversion rates and save up to 34% of your sales rep's time, by automating mundane tasks.

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